
contoh peluang usaha

Peluang Usaha

Setiap wirausaha sebenarnya mempunyai peluang (opportunity) untuk maju.
         Ada kalanya peluang usaha tidak dapat membuahkan hasil yang memuaskan.
         Sebaliknya banyak pula yang mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan
Untuk menggali dan memanfaatkan peluang usaha wirausahawan harus berpikir positif dan kreatif, diantaranya :
*      Harus percaya dan yakin usaha dapat dilaksanakan
*      Menerima gagasan2 baru di dunia usaha
*      Harus percaya pada diri sendiri
*      Harus mendengarkan saran orang lain
*      Harus mempunyai etos kerja tinggi
*      Pandai berkomunikasi

Dengan mempelajari kondisi masyarakat wirausaha dapat mengetahui :

      STRENGHT ( Kekuatan yang mendukung usaha)
      WEEKNESS (Kelemahan yang menghambat usaha)

      OPPORTUNITY (peluang/kesempatan)
      THREAT (Ancaman apa saja)

Dr. D.J. Schwartz berpendapat untuk memanfaatkan peluang bisnis sbb :
1. Percaya dan yakin bahwa usaha bisa dilaksanakan
2. Janganlah hadiri lingkungan yang statis yang akan   
    melumpuhkan pikiran wirausahawan
3. Setiap hari bertanya pada diri sendiri "bagaimana 
    saya dapat melakukan usaha lebih baik"
4. Bertanya dan dengarkan
5. Perluas pikiran Anda

PAUL CHARLAP mengemukakan 4 unsur yang harus dimiliki seorang wirausaha agar mencapai sukses :

      1. WORK HARD (Kerja Keras)

      2.WORK SMART (Kerja Cerdas)

      3. ENTHUSIASM (Kegairahan)

      4. SERVICE (Pelayanan)


Beberapa resiko yang mungkin terjadi :

  1. Perubahan permintaan, karena perubahan mode, selera konsumen
  2. Perubahan konjungtur, kondisi ekonomi yang tidak menentu
  3. Persaingan
  4. Perubahan karena teknologi, peraturan, bencana alam


Berdasarkan jenis/produk/jasa
1.Minat seseorang (bidang jasa/perdagangan.)
2.Modal  (tersedia/belum, bentuk uang/barang)
3.Relasi (keluarga/teman yang terlebih dahulu
   menekuni usaha yang sama

Disamping itu perlu dipertimbangkan :
  1. Pengaruh lingkungan sekitar
  2. Banyak sedikitnya permintaan masyarakat
  3. Kecocokan antara kebutuhan masy dengan jenis usaha tertentu
  4. Banyak sedikitnya pesaing
  5. Adanya kemampuan untuk bertahan dan menenangkan persaingan
Contoh peluang usaha  dibidang jasa :
1.Jasa Service
2.Jasa hiburan
3.Jasa transportasi
4.Jasa perantara
5.Jasa kesehatan

Pemilihan produk berupa barang yang dapat menciptakan peluang usaha adalah :
1.Mudah dalam pemakaian
2.Efisien dalam penggunaan
3.Kualitas produk terjamin
4.Hemat dalam pemakaian
5.Ada jaminan keamanan dalam pemakaian

Pengelompokan produk yang dibutuhkan masyarakat :
a.      Produk yang mampu mempermudah pekerjaan dirumah
contoh:magic jar, oven, mesin cuci
b.     Produk yang mampu mempermudah pekerjaan di luar rumah
            contoh : tas multifungsi, handpone
c. Produk lain yang dibutuhkan tanpa mengenal tempat
contoh : air dalam kemasan, mie instan, dll

Berdasarkan Minat dan daya beli konsumen

Untuk mengetahui minat, dilakukan dengan observasi, yaitu :
  1. mengadakan pengamatan langsung  ke  pasar
      2.   melakukan wawancara/interview
      3.   memberikan angket, diisi oleh  konsumen (quesioner )

Untuk mengetahui besar kekuatan daya beli masyarakat :

# Apakah mereka kalangan atas,  menengah atau bawah
# Apakah mereka berpenghasilan  tinggi, sedang atau rendah
# Apakah mereka anak-anak, remaja atau dewasa
# Apakah mereka tinggal dikota, desa atau pesisir

Hubungan antara minat, daya beli dan kelangsungan usaha

Minat besar, daya beli kuat 
= kelangsungan usaha terjamin

Minat besar, daya beli rendah
= kelangsungan usaha terhambat

Minat rendah, daya beli rendah
= usaha tidak dapat berlangsung

sumber :


usaha sampingan karyawan

usaha sampingan karyawan adalah usaha yang bisa dilakukan oleh karyawan sebagai sampingan untuk menambah pemasukan, tanpa mengganggu pekerjaan tetapnya.

Jangan sampai mencoba untuk membuka usaha sampingan karyawan yang justru usaha itu mengganggu pekerjaan tetap Anda. Namun, jika usaha yang Anda jalankan memiliki prospek yang bagus dan Anda optimis untuk fokus disana, maka Anda dapat memikirkan untuk resign.

Namun, jika Anda ingin usaha sampingan Anda berjalan dan Anda tidak kehilangan pekerjaan Anda sebagai karyawan, maka Anda harus pandai-pandai menangkap peluang yang ada di sekeliling Anda.

Usaha sampingan karyawan tidak harus muluk-muluk, Anda dapat memilih usaha yang dapat dikerjakan di rumah. Seperti usaha katering, menjual makanan ringan, menjual nasi bungkus untuk sarapan, dsb. Apapun usaha itu, jika kita tekuni dengan sungguh-sungguh Insya Allah akan sukses!

Satu hal yang terpenting adalah melawan rasa malu. Tidak perlu minder ataupun gengsi jika status Anda karyawan namun menjual nasi bungkus di pagi hari, atau melayani katering untuk tetangga yang sedang hajatan. Semua itu jika Anda kerjakan dengan cara-cara yang baik, maka usaha sampingan karyawan akan sangat membantu memberi penghasilan tambahan bagi Anda.


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Saat ini mulai banyak peluang usaha  yang di ciptakan,mulai darikuliner,asongan,barang bekas bahkan banyak peluang sebagai agen jasa. banyak Peluang usaha yang dapat ditempuh oleh siapa pun, mulai menjadikan rumahnya sebagai basis dalam berbisnis. dan banyak pula yang menyewa tempat usaha lain dalam mengembangkan bisnis yang akan atau sedang dijalani.

Baik dan tidaknya sebuah usaha ditentukan oleh kemampuan kita menjalankan usaha. Oleh karena itu, Anda harus yakin punya kemampuan di jenis usaha yang Anda pilih. Meski kemampuan ini bisa ditingkatkan, namun alangkah lebih baik jika memulai usaha dengan sesuatu yang ada dalam diri kita

sekarang pikirkan bakat apa yang benar-benar Anda kuasai. Pikirkan peluang usaha dari bakat tersebut. Bayangkan juga manfaat yang akan Anda peroleh dari bakat tersebut. Lalu, mulailah bergerak sesegera mungkin! Jangan sampai semua hasil pemikiran Anda terkubur begitu saja sejalan dengan waktu hanya karena Anda tidak berbuat apa-apa. Jadi, mulailah melakukan perubahan dalam keseharian Anda. Lukislah kesuksesan dalam sejarah panjang kehidupan Anda. harus mulai bergerak untuk meraih kesuksesan.

so... peluang usaha apa yang anda tangkap hari ini..................


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acer notebook battery

acer notebook battery
Acer Notebook Battery Aspire 5572 5502 3600 3680 5050

Technical Details

  • Battery Type : Lithium-Ion - Capacity: 4400 mAh - Voltage: 11.1V
  • This Product has 12 Months Replacement Warranty!
  • 100% OEM compatible! Guaranteed to meet or exceed OEM specifications!
  • Package Includes : 1 pcs laptop battery
Get the acer notebook battery discount

Where to Buy Acer Notebook battery

You can buy acer notebook battery from many big retailers offline or online like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Walmart etc. But which one is the best? We have done work for you, we find the best place to buy acer notebook battery is at This giant online retailers give the best price which included FREE Shipping (in US only) for this holiday season.

Get the Best Price acer notebook battery is a reputable company that stand out in customer services. You will have a piece of mind because not only they will make sure you get the holiday gift on time but they are very actively in updating you the status of your gift delivery. Gift wrapping is also available for just a small additional fee.

Acer Notebook Battery


Other products by Acer

Get The Acer Notebook Battery Discount

Product Description

Product Description

  • CAPACITY: 4400 MAH

  • Where to Buy Acer Notebook battery

    You can buy acer notebook battery from many big retailers offline or online like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Walmart etc. But which one is the best? We have done work for you, we find the best place to buy acer notebook battery is at This giant online retailers give the best price which included FREE Shipping (in US only) for this holiday season.

    Get the Best Price acer notebook battery is a reputable company that stand out in customer services. You will have a piece of mind because not only they will make sure you get the holiday gift on time but they are very actively in updating you the status of your gift delivery. Gift wrapping is also available for just a small additional fee.

    Acer Laptop Battery

    Get The Acer Notebook Battery Discount

    Product Features

    • Manufactured to the Highest Quality Available.
    • With True Enhanced Performance.
    • Latest Technical Development.

    Processor, Memory, and Motherboard

    • Hardware Platform: PC

    Cases and Expandability

    • Weight: 14.4 ounces

    Warranty and Support

    • Returns Policies: You may return any new computer purchased from that is "dead on arrival," arrives in damaged condition, or is still in unopened boxes, for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. reserves the right to test "dead on arrival" returns and impose a customer fee equal to 15 percent of the product sales price if the customer misrepresents the condition of the product. Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse, is missing parts, or is in unsellable condition due to customer tampering will result in the customer being charged a higher restocking fee based on the condition of the product. will not accept returns of any desktop or notebook computer more than 30 days after you receive the shipment. New, used, and refurbished products purchased from Marketplace vendors are subject to the returns policy of the individual vendor.

    Product Description

    Hi-Capacity batteries from Battery-Biz are the highest quality portable power products you can buy! The batteries are made using the highest quality cells available and utilize all of the proper logic boards, thermal protectors, thermistors and circuit breakers to ensure the maximum levels of battery safety, reliability and efficiency.

    Where to Buy Acer Notebook battery

    You can buy acer notebook battery from many big retailers offline or online like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Walmart etc. But which one is the best? We have done work for you, we find the best place to buy acer notebook battery is at This giant online retailers give the best price which included FREE Shipping (in US only) for this holiday season.

    Get the Best Price acer notebook battery is a reputable company that stand out in customer services. You will have a piece of mind because not only they will make sure you get the holiday gift on time but they are very actively in updating you the status of your gift delivery. Gift wrapping is also available for just a small additional fee.

    acer battery replacement

    Li-ion 8-CELL 4800 Mah Battery for Aspire 5920 Series

    Other products by Acer Computer

    Product Description

    Since its inception, Acer has evolved from a manufacturing powerhouse to a globally recognized computer brand, marketing world-class IT products and services. Acer's complete range of IT products is designed to enhance work efficiency and quality of life, while granting an easy, hassle-free user experience.

    Important Information

    Legal Disclaimer
    Shipping is 3-5 days FedEx or UPS with tracking number. Brand New. Continental USA street address ONLY, we do not ship to P/O box, APO, AE, or international addresses

    Where to Buy Acer Notebook battery

    Get the Best Price acer notebook battery

    You can buy acer notebook battery from many big retailers offline or online like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Walmart etc. But which one is the best? We have done work for you, we find the best place to buy acer notebook battery is at This giant online retailers give the best price which included FREE Shipping (in US only) for this holiday season. is a reputable company that stand out in customer services. You will have a piece of mind because not only they will make sure you get the holiday gift on time but they are very actively in updating you the status of your gift delivery. Gift wrapping is also available for just a small additional fee.

    Superb Choice New Laptop Replacement Battery for ACER Aspire 2930 2930G 2930Z 4230 4310 Series 4315 4330 4520 4520G 4530 4710 4710G 4715Z-3A0512C 4720 4720G 4720Z 4730 4730Z 4730ZG 4920 4920G 4930 4930G 4935 4935G 4520-5141 4315-2904 4530 4530 4730 4720ZG 4715Z 5335 5735 5735Z 4540 4540G 5542G Replacement for AS07A41 AS07A31 AS07A32 AS07A72 AS07A42 AS07A51 AS07A52 AS07A71 BT.00603.036 BT.00604.015 BT.00604.022 BT.00605.018 BT.00607.012 BT.00607.013 BTP-AS4520G MS2219 MS2220 Z01 Z03, 8800 mAh; 12 Cells Other products by Superb Choice

    Where to Buy Acer Notebook battery
    Get the Best Price acer notebook battery

    You can buy acer notebook battery from many big retailers offline or online like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Walmart etc. But which one is the best? We have done work for you, we find the best place to buy acer notebook battery is at This giant online retailers give the best price which included FREE Shipping (in US only) for this holiday season. is a reputable company that stand out in customer services. You will have a piece of mind because not only they will make sure you get the holiday gift on time but they are very actively in updating you the status of your gift delivery. Gift wrapping is also available for just a small additional fee.

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    Battery Acer Aspire 3200 3600 5500 Travelmate 2480 3210-3270 4310

    Technical Details

    • Brand Name: V7
    • Model: ACR-TM3270V7

    Where to Buy Acer Notebook battery

    Get the Best Price acer notebook battery

    You can buy acer notebook battery from many big retailers offline or online like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Walmart etc. But which one is the best? We have done work for you, we find the best place to buy acer notebook battery is at This giant online retailers give the best price which included FREE Shipping (in US only) for this holiday season. is a reputable company that stand out in customer services. You will have a piece of mind because not only they will make sure you get the holiday gift on time but they are very actively in updating you the status of your gift delivery. Gift wrapping is also available for just a small additional fee.

    NEW Laptop/Notebook Battery for Acer Extensa 4630 4620Z 3100 4220 4420 4620 4620-4054 4620-4431 4620-6194

    Technical Details
    • Battery Type : Lithium-Ion - Capacity: 4400 mAh - Voltage: 11.1V
    • This Product has 12 Months Replacement Warranty!
    • 100% OEM compatible! Guaranteed to meet or exceed OEM specifications!
    • Package Includes : 1 pcs laptop battery
    This review is from: NEW Laptop/Notebook Battery for Acer Extensa 4630 4620Z 3100 4220 4420 4620 4620-4054 4620-4431 4620-6194

    Battery arrived in just a few days. Was already charged. I thought I would get a little longer out of a charge.
    It was a great value. for future purchases I would purchase an extended life battery.
    This was an exact match for my Acer Extensa 4420. Holds a longer charge than my original. Does not stick out / fits perfectly and snug on this laptop model.

    Where to Buy Acer Notebook battery

    You can buy acer notebook battery from many big retailers offline or online like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Walmart etc. But which one is the best? We have done work for you, we find the best place to buy acer notebook battery is at This giant online retailers give the best price which included FREE Shipping (in US only) for this holiday season.

    Get the Best Price acer notebook battery is a reputable company that stand out in customer services. You will have a piece of mind because not only they will make sure you get the holiday gift on time but they are very actively in updating you the status of your gift delivery. Gift wrapping is also available for just a small additional fee.

    notebook batteries

    Super-Capacity Li-ion Battery For Acer Aspire One Series replace UM08A73 Laptop Notebook Main Battery [ 7200mAh 9 cells Black ]

    Technical Details

    • [Fit model]Acer Aspire One.[Replace] UM08A73
    • [Voltage(V)] 11.1.[Capacity(mAh)] 7200.[Cell] 9.[N.W(lb)] 1.[Color] Black.[Type] Li-ion
    • Replacement For: UM08A31 UM08A51 UM08A71 UM08A72 UM08A73 UM08A74 UM08B31 UM08B71 UM08B72 UM08B73 UM08B74
    • Fit Machine Models:Aspire One series (not fit for Aspire One ZA3 A0751H)
    • Full 1 Year warranty,Batteries are in high grade quality and certified by CE and RoHS

    Get the Best Price acer notebook battery

    Where to Buy Acer Notebook battery

    You can buy acer notebook battery from many big retailers offline or online like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Walmart etc. But which one is the best? We have done work for you, we find the best place to buy acer notebook battery is at This giant online retailers give the best price which included FREE Shipping (in US only) for this holiday season. is a reputable company that stand out in customer services. You will have a piece of mind because not only they will make sure you get the holiday gift on time but they are very actively in updating you the status of your gift delivery. Gift wrapping is also available for just a small additional fee.

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